Film Genres
Tuesday 6th December 2022 do now .sci-fi .romance .documentery .fantasy .thriller .western .horror .drama .romcom-hybrid .crime .adventure .animation .action .comedy .social realism LO-to explore the concept of film genre Genre-a style especially in the arts that involves a particular set of characteristics. hybrid-mixture of two or more genres sub-genre=different categories that a genre can be divided into horror-paranormalll,monster,killer,gore fantasy .harry potter .cinderella .fantastic beasts .bfg .beauty and the beast .tinker belle .mary poppins .dumbo .mrs peregrines home for peculiar children .hocus pocus sub-genres-romance,witchcraft Fantasy research 1-the main genre conventions for fantasy are:magic system,a ell developed setting, cast of complex characters, central conflict, power structure/system of government. 2-three directors for famous blockbuster films for fantasy are:David Yates - harry potter,peter jackson - the hobbit, Robert Stevenson - Mary Poppins 3-movie st...