Friday 1st December 2023
Advertising & Marketing
LO-to explore the aims and conventions of print advertising
-This spreads awareness because it makes people think about climate change and the effects its having.It makes people take action before its to late.

-To make money by promoting consumer goods or services
-Generally focuses on persuading audiences to purchase goods
-Aims to communicate a message about a brand
-If an established brand, aims to reinforce existing brand image to reinforce brand loyalty
-Creates a sense of need or desire and a sense of aspiration
-Includes public information drives
-Some simple aim to inform about an issue many also aim to persuade the audience to donate money or time to charity
-Often uses shock tactics or direct appeals
Wednesday 6th December 2023
Advertising and Marketing
Codes and conventions-the expected elements that will be included in products from particular media forms and genres.

Commercial advert-Cadburys
-The aims are to promote the brand and show that cadburys can bring people together
-use the words free the joy to show soemthing so simple like a bar of chocolate can make someones day
-The iconic cadbury purple colour that identfies the brand
-They use a normall woman to show that there choclate can mayke anywon happee
-dull scene
-soft sell

Non commercial advert
-Aims to spreaad awarness against violence towards women
-creates a bold image that catches attention
For print advertising we expect
-Name of brand/product
-Specific details of USP/products or service

.celbrity endorsment
.emotive language
.celebritea endoorsment
-connecting the product to the image
.celebrtee endorsment
.Modern adverts often make refrences to other media products,perhaps from other forms or genres that audiencess can identify
.this helps communicte a message qwickly and memorbaly
fri 8 dec 23
Historical advertisements

Wednesday 13th December 2023
Historical Advert set text
Historical context for quality street-
-The icons of the Quality street brand were two characters from the regency era of British history called Miss sweetly and Mr quality
-The regency era could also be compared t the 1950's for its significant cultural development between 1811 and 1837.
Social and Cultural-
-people had more money
-The 1950s saw a change in high culture

The image takes up most of the page and the information is left to the bottom third.
Quality street is written is purple which has connotations of royalty and luxury even when its available to everyone.Its also written in sans serif font which connotes trustworthy showing there a good brand available for everyone.
They use a catchy alliteration 'delicious dilema' with the dilema being the 18 different choices that are so good its so hard to choose ,it catches the readers eye.
The people are dressed in the same colour of the sweets.
Wednesday 10th january 2024
do now
the first impressions are the people are rich
they lead a wealthy lifestyle
they are trying to portray the sweets with their clothes and that its hard to chose wich choclate to have as there all so good.
Historical advert set text
lo-to explore the context and representations in the hiistorical set text
advert 1
women are only wanted to be housewifes and that there not important just used to clean cook etc
this advert is aimed at men to get
advert 2
this shows that men do evrything but cook ad that womens purposes are to cook for the family whilst men do all the manly jobs
advert 3
they are teaching the kid young to be a housewife
the boy is wearing blue wich is a stereotypical boy colour
advert 4
she belongs polishsing shoes
shes also wearing nothing
advert 5
this is suggesting the man is the boss of the women even though shes his wife and that she living in his world
advert 6
they both work but the man works in buissnes and the women works at home for the man cooking and cleaning
Gender roles in the 50's men were seen to have more power then women, they would work in buisness and wear suits however women were made to stay at home and work for the men doing cooking and cleaning. The men were the boses of women and referred to them as objects.The women were expected to cook clean and look after kids whereas the men were expected to provide for the family and do all the 'manly' jobs.However when the men went off to war the roles changed as women had to start doing things like building planes and engineering so they typically wore dungarees and bandnnaa where as before they wore aprons and skirts.

1)hes in the centere to show how importrant he is
2)hes wearing a suit to show hes a working man who provides for his fam
3)the women have been objectifieed and re there for the men
4)it gives a phalic symbol
Friday 12th January
do now
1)the man
2)he is in the middle
he has two women "competing" for him
in the 50's it was stereotypical for the man to be the boss
hes wearing formal attire
historical advert set text
lo-to explore the possible exam style questions for advertising
In the quality street advert men are represented as dominant.This can be shown by the man being seen in the middle as the centre of attention which could connotate his importance, he is also wearing a suit which is very formal and shows hes a buisness man who works hard.Another way men are represented is being powerful, typically in the 50's men were the bosses of wome.In the advert this is shown by the man having women either side of him giving him attention, from the mans perspective the women are seen as objects to him.
In the quality street advert women are represented as "objects". This is represented in the advert because the women are either side of the man trying to get his attention but he shows no interest in them as to him all they are is items for cooking and cleaning. This is also shown by the womens clothes as they are wearing very formal dresses that look nice to impress the man. Stereotypically in the 50's women would wear long dresses and aprons as they and no need to grab mens attention because all they would do was cooking and cleaning for their husbands.
wednesday 17 january 2024
analysin adverts
lo-to build the skills needed to analyse and evaluate adverts
connotation is what you assosiate something with.
denotation is what something is.
Advert 1
-lights and technology because theyre a broadband company
-guards connotate there a safe protected company
Advert 2
-uses a feminist mesage
-red velvet connotate luxury and royalty
-iconic m logo
-aimed at men
Advert 3
-this connotates this is a super car
-all the cars inside the car show the evolution of the sport car
Advert 4
-this hand connotes the hulk who is not easily hurt
postive- disabled ,handicapped, curious ,intrested, inquisitive
negative- crippled ,retarded ,nosy
fri 19th jan 24
Persuasion adverts
Rhetorical question-Has there ever been a more perfect day for a picnic?”
Repetition-home sweet home
Alliteration-Polly's prancing pony performed perfectly.
Emotive language-I Have a Dream (speech) by Martin Luther King, Jr
Opinion as Fact-This is the best pizza in the world
Celebrity endorsment- Lionel Messi's USD 1 billion deal with Adidas
Hyperbole-“As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again”
Facts and Statistics-the average number of points earned by students in that one math class at the end of the term
Direct adress-'do you', 'we will', count on us'
Imperatives-go get me a drink
1. Open coke. Open happiness
2.Find your place
3.losing weight ,saving money, performing better
4.The best four by four by far
-opinion as fact
5.this ad may change your life
-This bike will make your kids learn faster
-They will be the coolest kid
-This will win every race
Wednesday 24 january 2024
Do Now
females wear pink and wear dresses and are polite and shy
males wear blue and suits and work for the family
Contemporary adverts
lo-to understand the techniques used in contemporary

1.fiats brand identity shows they've got something for everyone
they are also a very bright fun brand- light hearted
2.Its designed to look like fashion magazines language has been used to illuminate the
4.Gender has been represented y showing the man needs a sporty fast car to show off and impress people.Women have been to shown to want fashionable cars to look fancy and cute.

Friday 26th January 2024
Do Now-print adverts
-bright colours
-brand identity
Creating adverts
lo-to use our understanding of advert conventions to create adverts
rhetorical question

emotive language-happiness

gender stereotypes

challenges stereotypes

cell line for umbrella hat-saves your arms from aching
matthew 'why hold it when you can wear it'
chicken harness-kfc on the go
Wednesday 31st January 2024
Women in advertising
lo-to evaluate how women are represented in a variety of adverts so that we can apply this to the set text for the exam
1-it shows that boys are more interested watching/participating in sport compared to the girls
2-girls aren't as confident as they boys are
3-there isn't really a gender divide between the boys and girl
This girl can campaign
-launched in 2016
-funded by the national lottery
-non commercial
-to break down the primary barrier holding back women from sport-the fear of judgment
-before this campaign there was a massive gender gap between me and women participating in sport mainly because the number one barrier was fear of judgment
-as a result of this campaign 1.6 million women have started exercising and playing sport is increasing faster then men
-nike released a more motivational campaign

This shows the stereotypes because most women are to seen to been working out because they are not happy with how their body looks not because they want to become healthy and feel good about themselves.

This shows that even if people are criticising you for being slow or not thee fittest its better than not trying at all staying at your own pace because your still giving the effort.
Nike focused the camera on her muscles to show she's strong
Showing athletic women who are fit and healthy not 'normal' people.They focus on her muscles and her strength
There all slim strong and sporty which compared to this girl can adverts it is women who arent so fit.

This ad is showing that women can work out no matter how fit or how old they are without having to worry about how good they are or what they look like.This is contrasted with nike and Adidas adverts because they show typically fit strong sporty women that are muscly and slim that have been doing it for a long time. The this girl can advert shows women of all shapes and sizes should be able to work out and feel good about theselves without having to worry how they look which creates a sense of diversity and make women feel good about themselves.
Friday 2nd Fevuary 2024
Do Now
this video targets a wider range of women because it shows more variation of women as its a video so can show multiple things.
Advertising set text 2
lo-to analyse the construction of thee this girl can set text
sweat- smells, hard work, tired, dirty
pig-ugly dirty smelly lazy
fox-sly vicious precautious
They have used this phrase to motivate women and make them be able to feel confident in themselves no matter what they look like when working out. They have used one negative and one positive phrase to create contrast and make women feel good.This links to the brand logo because its showing that she can be who she wants she can still feel good about herself even if she is all sweaty it shows the hard-work she's done.
The use of serif and has connotations of being a femine font and the white colour looks very elegant which relates back to the image of feeling like a fox.

-Centered mid shot-shows the body which shows that anybody can do this and that they dont need a slim figure or be really fit to do things they like.
-not a female but in a women in her 30s-to show anyone is able to do it and it doesnt have to be a model perfect celebrity and that age shouldnt restrict you .
-hair scraped back into a scruffy ponyatil-to show that you dont need look put together and clean when your excersincing
-sweaty no/minimal makeup-same again you dont need to be perfect and dont need to feel like you have to impress people-you should be doing it for you
-workout clothes-its not a fashion show as long as your comfortable thats what matters
-eyes closed with a slight smile - shes enjoying herself and not worrying about what other people think
-active position-shes working really hard to impress herself
-other women in background-other people are enjoying themselves with eachother without being judged and being able to have a good time

2 Similarities
-the shots both show them in the centre
2 Differences
-women are represented as elegant and shy and belong to men
-women are shown to be able to be who they want and look how they want
Wednesday 7th februrary 2024
Do Now
The intention of the this girl can advert is it trying to get more comfortable with themselves and feeling judjed for excersisng.It is showing that you dont have to have a certain body type or level of activness to be able to feel good about yourself b y working out./
Representation & Theory
Dominant ideology-the attitudes,beliefs,values and morals shared by the majority of people in a guven society
Dominant ideology of-
The uk- posh tea fish and chips fancy
Cornwall-beaches sunny warm seagulls pastys

Yes i think its true because men have always been seen to be strong and athletic compared to women who have been stereotyped to be shy and fragile. This ideology has been challenged when the women won the euros when the men didnt which shocked people.
Friday 9th februray 2024
Do Now
empowering confident feminine
lo-to practise how to awnser exam style questions effectivley
QUESTION 1- This girl can
(a)Text/written language
Another way the print advert for the this girl can advert uses media language to create meaning is by using juxtaposition to empower women, 'Sweating like a pig, feeling like a fox' the negative and positive phrases next to each other makes women feel good about themselves because even if there all sweaty and dirty they still feel good about themselves because there body's and minds feel good. It shows women that they should have to base their happiness of how they feel and they don't have to look perfect all the time like the typical stereotype that has been tagged on women as always having to look flawless and clean. This reflects the logo because its making girl and women feel good about theselves for doing things for them.This links back to the campaign because the idea 'this girl can' wants girls to feel like they can do anything without the fear or judgment/criticism and using the simile 'sweating like a pig feeling like a fox' shows girls that you don't have to look good to feel good and you shouldn't let that hold you back from doing something you enjoy.
(b)Visual codes (for example: images, lighting, dress)
This girl can campaign aims to get more women confident with themselves exercising and not feeling a constant pressure to look or perform a certain way when doing it. They have done this by showing the women with her eyes closed to show that she is not looking around and comparing herself to the others she is there because she wants to enjoy herself and feel good about herself without other peoples thoughts or views stop you from what your doing. She also has her mouth open smiling which shows that she's working hard and having fun at the same time which is what the campaign want women to feel there able to do without a constant comparison to men or 'sporty slim' females'.They also blur the background which also shows that nobody else matters and she's there for herself and her body not to feel judjed or comparee herself to evryone else.
Another way they do this is by showing the women sweating alot with messy hair chucked back.This shows that its not a competion to see who looks the best or how put together someone looks its about the fact that there all there to do the same thing- feel good about yourself. Particularly for young women this conveys a strong message that looks shouldn't be the first people judge you for when they see you and that other people opinions shouldn't affect you doing something that makes you feel good.Her clothes are also unmatched with a tank top and patterned legging which goes against what alot of female typical influencers post of looking co-ordinated and clean at they gym or wherever your working out which is setting standards that shouldn't be there because no body cares that much to think about what your wearing and look like.This helps show the whole idea of the campaign to get more women confident in their bodys and be able to work out to feel good about theselves not to get a perfect body like the stereotype of working out for women that they do it to be skinny.
Wednesday 21st Februrary 2024
LO-to revise how to awnser exam style questions effectivley
PPE Q1a: 4/5
WWW: Two clear points supported by text references
EBI - link the points to the meaning/purpose of the campaign
PPE Q1b:7/10
WWW: good focus on the meanings constructed by the visual codes
EBI: make sure you link the points to the meaning/purpose of the campaign
EBI - link the points to the meaning/purpose of the campaign
PPE Q1b:7/10
WWW: good focus on the meanings constructed by the visual codes
EBI: make sure you link the points to the meaning/purpose of the campaign
Excellent notes on aims and conventions
ReplyDeleteQS ADVERT:
ReplyDeleteGood notes and understanding of context, the use of ML & representation
Not done :-(
Good notes and understanding of context, the use of ML & representation.
PPE Q1a: 4/5
WWW: Two clear points supported by text references
EBI - link the points to the meaning/purpose of the campaign
PPE Q1b:7/10
WWW: good focus on the meanings constructed by the visual codes
EBI: make sure you link the points to the meaning/purpose of the campaign